Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mustard Seed Faith and a Flea-Size Miracle

I’ve been blessed to witness many miracles in my life.   I am, however, probably the only person on earth who would feel grateful for the miracle I was given last week.
For nearly two months I have been a worried mom.  Ok, I admit I’ve been a worried mom for nearly 25 years because I am that kind of mom, but this was a different kind of worry.  

Really, what mom wouldn’t worry when her 7 year old began developing unexplained blisters?  
It started out as small red bumps.  They looked like bug bites and she had been playing outside.  No big deal, a little itchy redness and then gone in a day or two. 
Then we had a few more.  Then they turned into blisters.  Not tiny blisters but usually about 1/4 inch in diameter and sometimes nearly 1/4 inch tall.  They hurt and itched.  Sometimes they would pop up randomly and sometimes in a line, curved line, or even a small cluster.  Not on her face thankfully but nearly everywhere else.
The weather turned colder and she stopped playing outside but the bumps and blisters continued to appear. 
Worried Mom wondered:  Were they contagious?  Not likely since no one else in the family had them or anything like them.  No friends or classmates were complaining.  The blisters continued popping up.
Worried Mom wondered:  Did we have a mysterious bug?  Maybe even bedbugs?  Again, no one else had these bumps.  Internet research provided scary options.  Rooms were cleaned, bedding washed and inspected, insect killer sprayed.  The blisters continued showing up.
Worried Mom considered maybe the itchy dog and the blistery kid were related:  Does the dog have fleas?  Flea bites on humans might make the bumps but internet research showed no blisters.  Doggie was checked thoroughly, no fleas spotted.  Vet was called and said new meds Doggie was taking may cause dry skin and itching – give a supplement.  Dog continued scratching and kid continued blistering.
Worried Mom and somewhat worried school nurse discussed:  What could this be?  Allergies considered but worried mom didn’t think so and had been experimenting with that anyway.
Worried Mom thinks:  Is this a virus?  Is this the sign of something terrible and deadly?  What is this and how do I fix my kid?
Worried Mom becomes more worried as blisters suddenly become worse.  As a test, Blister Girl begins taking Benadryl which doesn’t solve the problem but helps.  Bumps continue to appear but fewer turn into blisters and they go away faster.
Worried Mom and Blister Girl visit the doctor:  After 90 minutes of various doctors stopping in and doctors trying to research, a decision is reached.  They have no idea what is going on with Blister Girl.  Try a cream and keep up the Benadryl.  Follow up in ten days.  Big help. Not.
That night Worried Mom prays.  And wonders why she didn’t think to pray about this before.  Worried Mom prays. A lot.  Worried Mom and Blister Girl pray together each morning and evening.  They pray for others but neither has thought to pray about this.  Worried Mom knows everyone is perplexed by this mystery but God knows all and has told us twice in the Gospels that if we only have faith the size of a mustard seed we can perform great works (Matthew 17:20 & Luke 17:16).  So she prays that night.  Worried Mom prays for a miracle.  She prays that something will help her find out what is plaguing her little girl.  She prays with faith.  Maybe faith only the size of a mustard seed, but with faith.  She prays until she falls asleep.
The next morning Worried Mom is gently applying cream to her daughter’s blisters when she sees something small on her daughter’s leg.  A bug?  She runs to the garage, grabs clear packing tape, and runs back.  Spot is still there so she applies the tape.  Yep.  Definitely a bug.  She has torn this house apart looking for bugs and never sees one until now, after a night of prayer. 
Was this the answer?  Did God send a bug as the answer to a prayer?  Worried Mom didn’t recognize the bug and although fleas have been suspected but not found this bug didn’t act like a flea.  It didn't move or hop.  Since Doggie had a vet visit scheduled that day Worried Mom brings along the tape with the bug sample.  Sure enough, fleas.
That is the only flea that was ever seen.  Worried Mom never did find one on Doggie or anywhere in the house but flea treating Doggie and having the house treated solved the problem.
Mystery solved with a prayer answered by something as small as a flea.  Apparently Blister Girl is hyper-allergic to flea bites.  Her reaction to them is highly unusual which is why it never turned up on an internet search and the doctors were stumped.
God knew the answer all along.  All I needed to do was trust Him and have faith that he would show me the answer if I asked and believed with faith the size of a mustard seed.
So yes, Worried Mom is likely the only person on the face of the earth to be grateful to know that there are fleas in her home and most certainly the only person to experience a miracle by seeing a flea.
God’s ways are mysterious but this is one mom who knows that He listens and answers our prayers

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